I've created a list. I'm calling it the 210 List. I'm hoping to cross everything off it in 2010 and in the process, change my life.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Week One

Well, I have come to the end of my first week on this little (read: HUGE) adventure and so far, so … fairly okay. Well, I wasn't expecting to wake up on 2 January and have everything look completely different. Well, maybe I was but a part of me knew that was not realistic.

But even though as previously mentioned things nearly went off the rails as everything got dropped to finish the project. But yesterday and this morning I did rally to the cause and get everything on my Daily and Weekly tasks done and dusted.

So, quick recap:

  • All of the weekly and daily tasks were done. Tick.
  • I crossed two thing of the list – I wrote a short play and a one-act play. Tick, tick
  • I started work on a variety of other tasks. These include:
    • I've begun number 110 – turn my writing room into a WRITING ROOM which sounds ridiculous but then you haven't seen my writing room. It's a junk heap. Paper comes here to breed, dust comes here to breed, everything no one wants comes here to breed. So, no more. Bit by bit and it's going to take a while, I'm going to turn this into Creativity Central.
    • Number 102 - At the beginning of the week, the emails were above 1,000. They are now at 91. Victory over the inbox is mine.
    • I have begun working on the next draft of my full-length play New Light Shine which will become number 11. I've got a list of tasks for research and backstory that is a mile long, and that was only after reading Scene One. Oh, dear.
    • I've done some work this afternoon on some applications for some writers residencies so that will become number 69.

      Tick, tick, tick.

So, all in all, it has been a pretty good week. Here's to Week two.

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