I've created a list. I'm calling it the 210 List. I'm hoping to cross everything off it in 2010 and in the process, change my life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

4.00 am

Which is when I have been getting out of bed, making a cup of coffee and hten getting back into bed and writing until 6.45 am. It's an odd time of day, especially in summer when it gets light pretty early so that 4.00am is really the tail end of night. I've been telling people that I get up that early because it's quiet and I can work in peace. But that's hardly ever true. The birds alone create some sort of GET THE FUCK UP morning choir and then there are various planes, trains and automobiles who have no consideration for what time it is or the fact that there is a writer trying to work. But all of that doesn't seem to distract me. It's only when the humans start to move and shake into the day that the real distractions happen.

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