I've created a list. I'm calling it the 210 List. I'm hoping to cross everything off it in 2010 and in the process, change my life.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Last night, as we battled through the third night of a semi-heat wave (which means that it is hot but you really shouldn't complain about it, because it is not THAT hot) I started to put my ideas on paper regarding Number 85 - Write a Radio Play.

There is a monster competition for Radio Plays that the BBC runs every year which I always mean to have something ready for but of course, never do. This year will be different.

I have a play that I wrote as a short piece when I was at NIDA that was always not quite right for a short piece. And then I turned it into a long one act and that didn't really seem right for it also. So, third time being a charm and all that, I'm going to see if it might work as a radio play. And I think it will. It's about two people that meet once a week to play out a series of fantasies. It's a little bit sexual but mainly it is games that boost the psyche, make the ordinary a little more liveable.

So last night I started to inch it out and see what I have. I got to the point where I was out of ideas but really excited about it and these characters, Tommy and Belle, who have lived inside my head for about 5 years now, are still talking, still moving about, still want to tell their story. I guess it would seem mean if I didn't let them.

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