I've created a list. I'm calling it the 210 List. I'm hoping to cross everything off it in 2010 and in the process, change my life.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Done and did
53. Write a short play.
And I say, Fine I will. So I did. It's called So Much Harm and it takes places on a mountain. Or a very large hill. You make the choice. I do so like my plays being interactive.
Now, I'm working on a new short play, a full-length, a radio play and keeping my sanity in check. Fun times people. Fun times.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Word of the Week
So, in case you've ever had that problem and I most certainly have, here is your word of the week:
1.an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2.good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for.
1754 (but rare before 20c.), coined by Horace Walpole (1717-92) in a letter to Mann (dated Jan. 28); he said he formed it from the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip," whose heroes "were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of." The name is from Serendip, an old name for Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka), from Arabic Sarandib, from Skt. Simhaladvipa "Dwelling-Place-of-Lions Island." Serendipitous formed c.1950.
No. No need to thank me. Your aptitude for making desireable discoveries by accident is thanks enough.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I've been slack.
Worse than that, I've not only been slack, I've been lazy. Which is probably the same thing but in my mind, slack is not being able to keep up with all the tasks one sets themselves or the tasks that have been set by others. Lazy is just not even bothering to set oneself tasks. In all honesty, there has been more lazy than slack, although both have played their part.
The last couple of weeks, maybe longer, alright the whole of March and perhaps part of February, have been attacked by the lazy fly. He sits on my shoulder and his sheer weight keeps me from ever getting up off the couch.
On the other shoulder lies the procrastination fly that likes to be entertained with mindless internet sites, TV shows, and anything else that requires only a minimal attention span.
But with Easter just passed and 4 whole days off which is awesome and kudos to the bloke that made it all happen, it was time to get the Flyspray and get to work. Which I did, even though I woke up with some sort of deathly plague cold flu thing which still hasn't left me.
So, things are back on track. Somewhat. What I did manage to do in March inbetween checking Facebook 75,000 times a day was get my submissions up to date and it's only the first week of April and I'm already half way through the ones I need to get done for April. Hoorah for me.
I also completed a first draft of a new ten minute play called So Much Harm which is just the best title anyone has ever come up with, ever, and you all know it, so shut up.
Then, if that wasn't good enough, and it really really was, I dived headfirst into writing the first draft of my new full-length The Reading Group which is now up to Page 20. Awesome behaviour.
March also saw a trip back to the homeland (aka Brisbane) for my nephew's first birthday and it seems that the play a day reading cycle got way behind. But, as the good girl that I am, Easter saw me read 10 (yes, count them, 10!) plays and so we are all up to date on that one. I still have to play catchup with the screenplays/watching movies and short stories. But I'm getting there.
I even (almost) bounced out of bed this morning at 4.00am and wrote for nearly three hours.
I have a feeling that April is going to be a good month.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Weekly Update
But the main thing I did this week was submissions. Although I didn't actually submit a lot (only 3) I did get all the bits and pieces for my brand spanking new full-length play New Light Shine. And there are a lot of bits and pieces. A lot of printing and a lot of thinking about how to write a freaking synopsis for it. So there was that.
I'm still having a lot of problems in balancing things, or how do you get enough time and motivation to do everything you want to do? Answers in 25 words or less please. I did read something on the internet quite a while ago about the top 50 (or something) habits of highly successful people. These were things they all seemed to share in common which astounded me straight off that they had that many things in common but one of them was that no matter what their mood, they always showed up and did the job. This has stuck with me and this is what I am going to try and do this week. No matter the mood, turn up and do the job.
Also, it seems that I tend to lose a lot of time in small increments. A lot of five minute slabs of time go down the drain because what can you do in 5 minutes? I don't know but I think I will have to try and find out. There are so many things that I want to do and accomplish and other people seem to be able to fit a lot more ino their life than I do which leads me to the idea that, uh, perhaps it is me.
I think this week, in an effort to combat the desire to do not much at all I am going to try a few experiments to see if I can get the workrate up.
My first experiment is to use my idle work hours to get submission information for various theatres that I want to send my play New Light Shine to. Because, really, how many times should you look at Facebook every day.
My second experiment is to write in 10 minute slots. I don't have enough time to write for much longer than that and I need to kind of look like I'm working even though I'm not. So ten minutes is a good time.
These are the missions for this week. Procrastination. Consider yourself at war.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Word of the Week
I know, like, WTF?
Well, turns out, according to dictionary.com it is the same as etiology, which really starts to make you think if someone should really be employed to downsize the English language and cut the fat so to speak. But anyway,
the study of the causes of diseases.
the cause or origin of a disease.
the study of causation.
any study of causes, causation, or causality, as in philosophy, biology, or physics.
This really didn't help. Shouldn't it be one or the other, or is that just me?
Weekly Update
I have started two new plays. Started, being the operative word. And then it rained. Like a lot. And the weekend seemed to slip away from me. And it was a long weekend and I know I should have done more, but more was just not going to happen. I don't know why. I never know why, but ...
I move on. A new week, which is now half gone but I'd rather see the cup as half-full, as they say. No. Scratch that. I hate the people that say that.
What I DID do on the weekend is submit plays. Submit, submit, submit. This felt good. This was good. Unfortunately, it wasn't an entire blitz and I am still way behind on the submissions front. In order to get to 210 submissions this year I have to do 17.5 submissions per month. Which means by the end of this month that is not that far away, I have to have 52.5. I think I have about half of that at the moment. HALF! Not good enough. Nowhere near good enough.
So that is about the extent of it. What a depressing update. I don't even have any last words of hope for myself ... large, dramatic sigh.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Well, maybe because it was a short month or the fact that I've got to the point in my day job where I lose all the will to live, BUT it seemed that I just couldn't get my act into gear. This is usually the point where I lie down on the couch and stay there for a very long time. But I'm not doing that. Because there is shit to be done. You've seen the list. WOW! That's enough to get anyone off the couch.
So let's go through what I did do this month …
Number 11
As mentioned in the previous post, I've finished a full-length play. Let me repeat that. I'VE FINISHED A FULL-LENGTH PLAY! This makes me incredibly happy. And now I'm ready to send it to every theatre on the planet. Which is going to happen this month.
Number 1
I don't think I've talked about my play a day mission but let me rectify that now. I am reading a play a day and it's going really well. By this, I mean, it is helping the process of writing plays. I might post what I have read so far in another post.
Number 24
Lose a dress size. Not quite there yet but definitely on my way. I've eaten so much salad I may turn into a head of lettuce at any moment. And I'm not eating bread. I'm not as miserable about that as I thought it would be.
Number 35
I have begun The Life Project! The Life Project, or perhaps the first Life Project (how many life projects do people have?) is a cycle of plays about my home state Queensland and I have begun the research, brainstorming for the first play in the cycle.
Number 68
Dance. Oh yes, I have been. All alone, in my house. Wonderful stuff.
Number 108
I have taken to this like a duck to water. You should see my house. I'm expecting a visit from the Health Department at any moment.
So, not a complete failure but not exactly screaming through the list either. I need to get better at all of this, which I guess is the point of this year, and this list.
Stay tuned for March!
And, in exciting news, I can cross a big thing off the list:
11. Finish a full-length play.
Yeah for me. It's called New Light Shine and I have been working on this play for too long! But it's done. I really think it is done.
So now it's time to get stuck into Number 6 and get me some productions.
I'll do another post to sum up February and all the things I didn't think I did but did actually do ... Anyone follow that?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tricky Business
Monday, February 22, 2010
Yes. That's right Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. I got to write The End, although what I actually wrote was End of Play. And while it is The End, it's still not finished. It's a draft and it's not too shabby but it still has some holes, some big enough to fit an tram through, if fitting trams through metaphorical holes is your things.
No judgement.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Which as we all know are the two greatest words in the world.
For the last week, I have been dutifully attending to this. How? I hear you ask. Well, it's very simple. No bread. Not one bit. And no cheese. And no chocolate. And an absolute shirtload of vegetables. And by shirtload people, I mean SHIRTLOAD.
Only time will tell if all this is in vain.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Word of the Week
noun (sometimes initial capital letter)
a very timid, unassertive, spineless person, esp. one who is easily dominated or intimidated: a milquetoast who's afraid to ask for a raise.
Weekly Update
Last week saw a magnificent event take place, otherwise known as THE WRITING OF THE PLAY. Which I will come back to.
Because you see, I dawdled through most of the week or at least that's how it looked even though I was doing things, I was planning and rearranging and working on stuff. I was trying to live my life better which, after all, is the purpose of all of this. For example:
36. Eat vegetables at least 3 times a week.
I don't thinkI've mentioned this one yet and while it sounds a bit naff because I am a grown woman and I really should know this by now, it is so easy to eat potatoes and fool myself into thinking that I have my vegetable intake sorted. Well, no more. Let the green and red and other colours of vegetables run free through my body. And they have, and they will continue to do so. Not only am I eating them three times a week, I'm eating them at least twice a day. I know. VICTORY!
64. Use my lunch hours for something other than wandering around aimlessly.
This has been easier than I thought. Mainly because I'm only taking half an hour for lunch instead of an hour. I'm using this half hour daily to eat my vegetables and catch up on some reading.
98. Stop biting my nails.
This seems to go in a cycle. One week I won't even look at my nails, the next I can't keep my teeth away from them. And I don't think it has anything to do with nervousness or stress. I think it's just a habit.
And now to the writing:
11. Finish a full-length play.
There are three on of these on the list and there could be 12 more but again, a girl has to sleep. The play I'm trying to finish now is called New Ligh Shine and I think this is about draft seven. Well, it could be more than that and it could be less than that because I don't think I've ever finished a draft of this little play that became a monster play and is now back to being a little play. But this one is definitely going to be finished. In fact, I'm close to finishing. Like, really close. Like, three scenes to go which is way further along than I was last Friday afternoon when I had 3 scenes and 20-something pages. Now I have 75 pages and three scenes left. Yes, The Sandy Method does work and life is very, very good. I can see myself retiring in the Bahamas as I speak.
That was the main writing task of the week but I also managed to do another draft of a short play which will need one more read-through and edit and then I can cross that off the list, and I started thinking about my Mastodon play and I think i have the story for it.
I also rewrote the ending of a one-act play which had been annoying me for about a month and now looks and sounds much better.
I also had a great idea for a new play that I can't work on yet but hopefully will soon because it is ace and I can't believe I was the one to come up with it.
And that was pretty much my week. I also scrubbed my kitchen floor which I know doesn't sound like much but trust me that thing was gross and now it is pretty and I feel good walking on it unlike before when I had to think of pretty things so I didn't have to think what I was walking on.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
How to Skin a Cat
There is a monster competition for Radio Plays that the BBC runs every year which I always mean to have something ready for but of course, never do. This year will be different.
I have a play that I wrote as a short piece when I was at NIDA that was always not quite right for a short piece. And then I turned it into a long one act and that didn't really seem right for it also. So, third time being a charm and all that, I'm going to see if it might work as a radio play. And I think it will. It's about two people that meet once a week to play out a series of fantasies. It's a little bit sexual but mainly it is games that boost the psyche, make the ordinary a little more liveable.
So last night I started to inch it out and see what I have. I got to the point where I was out of ideas but really excited about it and these characters, Tommy and Belle, who have lived inside my head for about 5 years now, are still talking, still moving about, still want to tell their story. I guess it would seem mean if I didn't let them.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Progress on The Sandy Method
So while the Sandy Method hasn't been the roaring success that it promisd itself to be, it wasn't exactly a complete failure either.
What did I find out by applying the Sandy Method?
That it is extremely possible to write a 1,000 words an hour, it's finding the hours that are free of distractions.
It terrifies me how easily I succumb to distraction. The slightest thing - a bird, a TV in the background, THE INTERNET, can completely rip me away from the task at hand.
What is worse is that I don't know how to get better at it. I'm sure there are like brain training exercises that improve concentration. Are there? Is this an actual thing, or am I just being lazy?
Stay tuned for answers to these things and much, much more.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Word of the Week
Haven't done Word of the Week for a while but I think the wait has been worth it because I have a killer this week.
A large extinct mammal of the genus Mammut, resembling the elephant but having nipple-shaped tubercles on the crowns of the molar teeth.
Why am I bringing you a Mastodon this week? Well, I'm thinking of writing a play about one. Or more than one. Why am I thinking of doing that? Well, there is a company in New Jersey that are looking for plays about Mastodons. No. I am not kidding.
New list item
I'm adding another thing to the list, because as the saying goes, when a horse is down that's the time to beat it. That's not how the saying goes? Mmm … interesting.
Anyway, meet
117. Write a short children's play.
I've added this because there's an opportunity coming up for a short children's play and there are not many opportunities for a newbie children's writer to get their foot in the door, and trust me when you are through that door, there are 72 virgins waiting for you. No. I'm pretty sure that's correct.
So, if I'm going to write it, and write it I am, then it is going on the list.
Number 96
Number 96 was to do something wonderful and indulgent for my birthday. My birthday came around last Tuesday and while I didn't exactly paint the town red I did have a wonderful time. The boyfriend and I went to a very fancy restaurant and went wild. We drank, we ate, we had so much fun.
Number 96, you are officially crossed off the list.
As we all know by now, Number 49 on the list is to keep a plant alive for at least 6 months.
Well, it hasn't been six months but my little basil plant is positively flourishing. It's getting so big and lovely that I'm close to being able to go "Oh I know what this dish needs, I'll just pop out the back and pick some basil."
So even if everything else doesn't happen, fresh basil is on me.
The Sandy Method
The other day as I was wiling away the hours at my day job, I read an article with Alexander McCall-Smith who as we all know has written a gazillion novels and they were asking him about his writing methods and he says that he writes a 1,000 words per hour. Which, when you think about it, is not really a lot is it? Write the same word a 1,000 times over. It's not as much as you thought.
This got me thinking as I started to cower at looking over my list and contemplating how to not sleep for a year that the average full-length play is roughly 15,000 words. If you apply what I am now calling the Sandy Method, technically you could write a full-length play in 15 hours. Technically. Writing is of course a lot more than putting words on the page, even though in the end, it is putting words onto the page and deep down we all know this. But if you take out all the planning and outlining and whatnot which takes forever and that's just the way it goes, the actual writing should take no more than 15 hours. 20 if I'm being generous with myself.
With this thought in my head, I'm going to give it a try this weekend with my full-length play New Light Shine which has been outlined, thought about, thought about a bit more and agonised over. I'm going to see if I can put it all together over the weekend which technically has 48 hours but you know, a girl does have to sleep.
BTW, this post is just under 300 words and took me about 5 minutes.
I'm just saying.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
4.00 am
Weekly Report
But I had a stern talking to myself yesterday morning and got back on the horse. So to speak. There were no actual horses, but you knew that already ... didn't you? Can you see how easy I find procrastination. You give me a tangent and I am riding that thing until it is quite literally dead.
However, the highlight of last week was writing THE Scene. If you don't know what THE Scene is, then you are obviously not a writer, because all writers, regardless of what they write know about THE Scene. It's the one that is going to nail the project and bring it all together. If you gave it time it would also end world hunger, come up with a cheap alternative to the use of fossil fuels and know instinctively how to make your life better in three easy, painfree steps. Last week, I wrote the scene for New Light Shine and it made me happier than, well, think of the happiest thing you know. Got it? Yeah, happier than that. I know. Ridiculous.
This, I know, doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, when you get that scene and it works, the whole play that sits around it starts to do its business. By this, I mean that it starts to find ways of linking itself together and becoming A PLAY instead of a HUGE BIG FREAKING MESS. And this what we want.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monthly update
Well, I think it is official that it is hard to do two full-time jobs, both of which demand brain power. I once read in one of the numerous 'How to Write' books that I have furiously scanned for the secret to it all that it was better to have a job that didn't demand any brain power so that you could devote all of your intellectual energy to your creativity. Which is all well and good but it said nothing about what starvation and constant financial worry did to your creativity. Guess what? It doesn't help.
So there are some definite low scores on the productivity front but this is nothing if not a work in progress. And I wouldn't be human if I turned this all around in a month. In fact, I think it is quite a stretch that I am going to do this all in a year and if the last few weeks are any indication, then it is most definitely not going to happen. But hopefully the last few weeks are merely a blip in the overall statistics and at the end of the year I will look back and not even recognise the girl that physically can't get herself off the couch at night to go to do some work. I don't want to be that girl. That's why I'm doing this.
SO, how did I fare on my first month (and I seriously can't believe that I have been doing this a month. Feels like three days.
The statistics will show that:
- I've crossed five things off my list. Which doesn't sound like many but a lot of these things will have to wait for the end of the year to be crossed off but require me to do them now.
- I have been doing all of my daily tasks and weekly tasks which takes care of another 15 things on the list (so technically that takes it up to 20 on the list).
- On the writing front I have got one acceptance for a production and have written 2 new short plays and a one-act play. I am also halfway through a draft for a full-length play.
- On the other writing front I have half a new short story which hopefully will be finished sooner rather than later.
- I have started on a number of other items on my list, including looking for a new day job, keeping a plant alive (the basil plant is going well! Which means that it is not only still alive but growing! VICTORY!) and turning my writing room into a WRITING ROOM.
Not terrible, not fantastic. Again, work in progress.
What I want to concentrate on improving next month is the marketing. It is all good and well to write all this stuff but if I'm not getting it out into the world then there is not much point. Unfortunately, not all of us can be J. D. Salinger and write for the sheer pleasure of it. Well, we do but we want to make a buck out of it. And that involves marketing.
In February, I want to get the submission count up and start looking at ways I can get more things published. After all, that's where the money is. Or what little money there is.
I'm also going to finish the full-length play I am working on (and I think after about six drafts, I've finally cracked it) and I'm also going to start making forays into radio plays and youth plays. It's going to be an exciting, busy month.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Week Three
Well, this week was tough. Tough with a capital T. In fact, TOUGH will all capitals. There, I said it. But I survived and I did everything on my dailly lists and weekly lists EXCEPT take photos. I'm reallly struggling with taking a photo every day.
The 'take a photo a day' thing came from the fact that I never owned a camera, HATED having my photo taken and generally broke out into hives whenever one came near me. I also developed this weird theory that if you spent all the time capturing the memory on film, then you wouldn't actully experience the memory. Or something like that. It sounded good when I was drunk. Then I went to New York last year and decided that I had to have a camera if I went to New York. What? I was going to come home and talk about how good Times Square was? I don't think so. Talk is cheap. A picture tells a thousand words. Pick your metaphor. Pictures are good. So I bought a camera and I took like a gazillion photos. I've barely looked at them since I got back but I like the fact that they are there. And more importantly, I liked taking photos. So I thought I would get back in the habit of taking photos. Maybe one a day was a bit ambitious. Are there really that many things I want to capture for posteriety? Maybe I need to change it to keep my camera with me at all times so that I can take a photo when I want to. A need to take photos would probably develop into an obsession and I really don't need another one of them. I remember thinking it was a really good idea when I put it on the list. Turns out it is not a good idea, and for the first couple of weeks, all I have done is take pictures of the birds in my backyard. BORING!
I'm going to have to rethink this one.
In brighter news, and trust me, there wasn't much of that this week, I did cross off my "get a play produced in another country" and I started a new day job which mean I will actually have money coming in while trying to pursue this dream of mine but the writing front hasn't exactly been lit by the muses so to speak. I played around with different times to work (early in the morning, at night) even though I know, I KNOW, that writing at night is a fool's errand and if I'm going to do this then I am going to have to get up at 4.00am every morning. EVERY MORNING! Except Sunday, because Dude, even God knew the effects of all work and no play.
I also started a short story which I thought would be a lot further on at this point than it is. But I started it. I wanted to stick it in a drawer and forget about it but I kept going. I'm experimenting with it. I'm putting words on paper. I coudl probably have put more words on the paper but there are words, and they are on paper. Are you getting my message about words and paper? I surely hope so.
So there was that.
I also started brainstorming a new short play that is due next Monday. It's on the theme of "Inns & Outs: Hotel Lobby" which gave me about 25,000 ideas of what to do with such an open theme and none of them came to anything. But I think I'm on the money now. I'm seem to be writing a lot of things where people aren't actually talking to each other. I don't know what that means.
I also 'finished' Act One of New Light Shine and when I say 'finished' I mean that I have put words on paper and they kind of, if you squint a lot and have no judgement, look like Act One of a play. It's going to need a lot of work when I put it together next month into something resembling a play. However, in the grand scheme of things, it actually is sounding a lot better than it did in any of the previous drafts, and there were a lot of previous drafts.
What else for this week?
I seemed to be constantly reading this week. I finished Shutter Island by Denis Lehane, who is surely the greatest crime writer we have. Surely! I don't even like crime fiction and I dig Denis Lehane. I also dig the movies made from his books and I'm sure I am going to love Shutter Island when it hits the big screen. I also read 7 plays and the highlight was rereading The Homecoming by Harold Pinter yesterday. I never used to like Pinter. He always seemed to leave me cold. HOW WRONG WAS I? The man was a genius. GENIUS. There is going to be a lot more Pinter on the menu this year. A lot more. I also read a great screenplay, Mixtape that is from this great website that talks about screenplays that are in development or in production or should be. I can't wait to see Mixtape. It's the kind of screenplay I am hoping to write this year.
That just about sums it up for this week just gone. It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either. Baby steps, baby steps.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
And the answer is ... NO!
I don't know what happens at night but there is just no time. No time! And there are distractions. People call, the boyfriend wants to do unreasonable things like speak to me, and then he wants to eat. I mean, COME ON!
So, it is back to the 4.00 am starts. Which is going to be hell but I probably just have to harden the fuck up.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
New plans
Yesterday, the first day, I woke up at 4.00 am and worked till about 7.00 am. I spent the rest of the day with toothpicks in my eyes to keep myself awake. But that's okay. At least something got done. I didn't get much else done when I got home last night as I watched the minutes tick by until I could reasonably declare stumps and head to bed.
I didn't wake up at 4.00 am this morning. Which may turn out to be folly and I will live to regret it but I thought I would try and see if I could write tonight and then compare notes on which is better. I would like to write at night because 4.00 am is just so awful it makes it all seem like work. Which it is, but it really shouldn't feel like it.
So that is the plan for today. Work tonight, see if what I do tonight is any better than what I did yesterday and then repeat until finished.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Cross, cross, tick
82. Have a play produced in a country I haven’t had a play produced in
Just found out I am having a play produced in Toronto, Canada, which is the first time my words have hit the maple leaf country.
Excitement, excitement!
Time to break out the champagne and comply with
97. Celebrate all successes, no matter how small
and somehow also comply with
105. Limit my drinking
This is all very tough.
New items on the list
112. Rewrite short play
113. Rewrite short play
114. Rewrite short play
115. Rewrite short play
116. Rewrite short play
Alright, I put the same thing five times but if you saw the massive moutain of half-drafts of short plays that I have, you would have put it down 5 times as well.
Part of the aim of this year is to claear the decks this year, take all that wonderful writing I have done that now sits in folders somewhere and turn it into actual plays. Cause, dah, that's what my job is supposed to be ... isn't it?
Word of the Week
1. Invictus – which is the name of the new Clint Eastwood film that I CAN’T WAIT to go and see when it opens later this week. I should know this having studied Latin a long time ago. Well, at least I knew it was Latin. But a quick trip to the Latin dictionary solved the mystery.
Invictus – unbeaten, unconquerable.
2. Lackadaisical – this is a word I know but don’t know. I guess the word itself gives it away. Lacking something. But I heard a woman use it in the pub the other night and I thought ‘Is she using that correctly?’. Turns out she was, so kudos to her for being half-tanked and pulling out the big words.
Lackadaisical – unenthusiastic, listless, idle. 2. Feebly sentimental and affected.
Who said pubs were a waste of time?
Week Two Update
However, I didn’t get much achieved on either Monday or Tuesday as there was a heatwave here in Melbourne and brain turned to mush, only computing things like ‘We need more icy poles’ and ‘God, I don’t think I have ever been hotter in my ENTIRE LIFE’. So there wasn’t much in the way of work achieved in those two days.
But here are some of the things that I achieved, or am working towards achieving:
11. Finish a full-length play
I have been hard, hard, hard at work on rewriting a full-length play of mine New Light Shine. This is about draft 948 but who’s counting? But I think this is the money draft, as we say in the playwriting business. Well, we don’t actually, or some might, but I do think I’m on the money with this. The copious drafts had only served to completely complicate what is actually a very simple story. So I’ve stripped it back as much as I can and begun from that point.
I’m trying to write and finish six full-length plays this year. I know. CRAZY. But that means that I need to finish a play every two months. January and February is New Light Shine.
25. Write a short story
Would you like to know how long it has been since I have written a short story? A LONG TIME! But this year I am going to write 5. CRAZY CRAZY! I started my first one last night. It’s about a young woman that mistakes sex for love and is trying to learn the meaning of both. It’s a first draft, so it’s best just to keep going with it and not talk too much about it until I actually get something onto a page.
80. Find a new day job
Because if I have to deal with many more lawyers I’m going to go postal on all of them. Seriously. Kickstarted the search on Friday with an application to work as a writer of sorts at state parliament.
2. Read 100 novels
I’m not quite sure when this became a good idea and made it’s way onto the list, even though it is a great idea. 100 novels. How wonderful. That means 2 novels a week, and while I’m a voracious reader, 2 novels a week on top of everything else is a huge ask. Anyway, as mentioned before, I started with Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel which was not only long, but very, very dense. Don’t let that put you off though. It is quite marvellous. But I’m now onto number 4 and so catching up, catching up.
I get the feeling that a lot of this year is going to be catching up.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Back to Basics
Thank god I started this list. It's a constant reminder that motivation and achievement are hard won battles that need constant attention.
So, the first two days of the week were pretty much a write-off except for the writer's residency application but I got back on the writing horse this morning and am working my little heart out on the enxt draft of a full-length play New Light Shine and am starting to make some real progress on it. I hope to keep working on it for the rest of the week and have a whole chunk of it done by the end of the week.
It looks like I'm going back to day job work next week so I need to get myself prepared before the majority of my hours is taken over by soul-sucking tasks. Oh, the humanity.
Back to the battle.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Number 69 Apply for a writers residence.
Just finished my application to go to a wonderful place in Connecticut for four weeks. Please, please, pick me.
3 down, 207 to go.
Back to the icy poles
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Busy Woman
My to-do list just for today is:
1. First draft of an application for a writer's residency.
2. First draft of an application for a new day job.
3. Scene Two of New Light Shine
4. First draft of a short story.
5. Blogging.
Blink twice and you'll miss me today. I'm THAT busy.
The same does not apply for little ol' Melbourne. It gets hot, it stays hot, it's 3.00am and it's 30 degrees celcius. And then there is a thunderstorm at breakfast and then it's cold, cold, cold. It's weird and it should be stopped.
Anyway, yesterday was one of those days when it was 30 degrees by breakfast and then just kept getting hotter. Days like this see all my lovely work plans evaporate before they hit the page, and all I can do is lie in various states of undress and vow never to complain about the winter this year. This of course won't happen but I keep on vowing.
However, in the somewhat cooler light of day this morning, I found that in my hear-induced insanity yesterday, I managed to completely rethink a full-length play I had been struggling with for at least two years. I employed the Keep It Simple Stupid method and suddenly found that it was starting to work. IT'S WORKING! Which is completely and utterly exciting and reason enough to forget that I did practically nothing yesterday and get cracking with everything on my current to-do list today.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Week One
Well, I have come to the end of my first week on this little (read: HUGE) adventure and so far, so … fairly okay. Well, I wasn't expecting to wake up on 2 January and have everything look completely different. Well, maybe I was but a part of me knew that was not realistic.
But even though as previously mentioned things nearly went off the rails as everything got dropped to finish the project. But yesterday and this morning I did rally to the cause and get everything on my Daily and Weekly tasks done and dusted.
So, quick recap:
- All of the weekly and daily tasks were done. Tick.
- I crossed two thing of the list – I wrote a short play and a one-act play. Tick, tick
- I started work on a variety of other tasks. These include:
- I've begun number 110 – turn my writing room into a WRITING ROOM which sounds ridiculous but then you haven't seen my writing room. It's a junk heap. Paper comes here to breed, dust comes here to breed, everything no one wants comes here to breed. So, no more. Bit by bit and it's going to take a while, I'm going to turn this into Creativity Central.
- Number 102 - At the beginning of the week, the emails were above 1,000. They are now at 91. Victory over the inbox is mine.
- I have begun working on the next draft of my full-length play New Light Shine which will become number 11. I've got a list of tasks for research and backstory that is a mile long, and that was only after reading Scene One. Oh, dear.
- I've done some work this afternoon on some applications for some writers residencies so that will become number 69.
Tick, tick, tick.
- I've begun number 110 – turn my writing room into a WRITING ROOM which sounds ridiculous but then you haven't seen my writing room. It's a junk heap. Paper comes here to breed, dust comes here to breed, everything no one wants comes here to breed. So, no more. Bit by bit and it's going to take a while, I'm going to turn this into Creativity Central.
So, all in all, it has been a pretty good week. Here's to Week two.
Word of the Week
Number 48 on the list is to learn a new word every week.
I added this to the list mainly because every time I read a book and I come across a word I don't know, I think to myself I will go and look this up in the dictionary. And then I never do. So this is to make sure that I always go and look up the word.
There were a couple of words this week, one of which I pretended to have known for about a decade and never really did:
Bildungsroman - a novel dealing with one person's early life and development.
So there you go
But word of the week goes to (drum roll please)
An open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side, resembling the path of a projectile under the action of gravity.
Yeah, I have no idea either.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I just went to cross off "Write a one-act play" off my list, as this is is ALL I have been doing for the last two days straight and surely, in my great wisdom, I have added a play or two that is somewhere between a short play and a full-length play.
Surely in between laughing every day and writing everything I can possibly think of, I have added a one-act play.
Ah, no.
Well, that is just not good enough, so we are adding it to the list.
111. Write a one-act play.
Which now looks like this:
111. Write a one-act play
Two down, 208 to go. Wow. This is going to be a long year.
Let me explain.
On New Years Eve I sent off a whole bunch of submissions to a whole heap of places for upcoming festivals and whatnot. Actually, more festivals than whatnot. Anyway, one of these was a festival at a University in Georgia and the initial application was to submit a synopsis of the play that you wanted to submit for consideration. Easy. Done. When I pressed send and sent my application to the other side of the world and then some, I had a very rough, very bad first draft of the play I wanted to submit. I somehow got it into my head that I would have about a month to get the next draft together before I got a yay or nay to whether they wanted me to submit it.
It was three days later that I got a lovely email saying sure, send us your play. Ah ... No worries.
So for the last two days I have been chained to my pen getting the next draft of this little masterpiece ready for public consumption. Everything else went out the window, all the daily tasks, all the weekly tasks, the list itself, as I went hell for leather to get this done.
And it's done. And I really like it.
Half of me is happy as the proverbial pig in mud that I just worked and worked until it was done. The rest of me is like, I screwed it all in less than a week.
BUT, here's what I have done since I sent off the masterpiece this morning:
1. I have caught up with the play readings.
2. I have laughed and laughed.
3. I have caught up on my daily diary.
4. I am working right now on catching up with the blogging.
And before the night is done, hopefully I will have caught up with the marketing tasks, and all the other things that I need to get done before Week 2 is upon me.
I am still way in this. THIS is going to happen.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
So I thought I would step back for a couple of minutes and see just what I have accomplished in the last two days and what I am doing that is getting this list done and did.
1. Daily Tasks
There are 9 daily tasks on the list at the moment:
1. Read/Watch a play every day
5. Write for at least 1 hour every day
17. Complete a marketing task every day
19. Blog every day
32. Take a photo every day
45. Find something to laugh at every day
66. Take 5 minutes a day just to sit in silence and do nothing.
67. Tell myself something nice about myself once a day
101. Write down everything I do.
Nine tasks sounds like a lot of things to cram into days that are already overstuffed, but I guess that is the point of this year – to make my days the way that I want them and not let all the minutiae become the dominant force. I really don’t want to lie on my death bed and convince myself that I was so happy I didn’t write that play because I focused more on having clean undies.
And so far, so good, although the two that are really trying me are 66 and 67, which probably says a lot about why I need this massive intervention into my life. But I’m working on them, I’m doing them and that is what is important.
The easiest so far has been number 45. Go figure.
2. The Beginning of other tasks
I have also began some other tasks, or in the process of starting some tasks that are going to be long-term.
49. Keep a plant alive for at least 6 months.
This I started yesterday. For Christmas, I received from work a basil plant, or more accurately, I received soil and basil seeds. Yesterday, seeds went into soil and now we wait.
6. 210 Submissions
Well, I have one submission done. Only 209 to go.
2. Read 100 novels.
I’m reading Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel at the moment. It’s fantastic, even though it is 600 million pages long. I’m hoping a lot of short novels get published this year or else this is going to be tough.
34. Quit smoking.
I am trying very hard at this. I’ve definitely cut down but the quitting thing is tough, tough, tough. I soldier on.
46. Count to 10 before I lose my temper.
This got tested last night when the Boyfriend screwed up dinner. I counted to 10, I still lost my temper. So technically, I did do it but it didn’t work. This I will have to improve on.
102. Keep emails under control
At the start of this year, I had over 1,000 emails in my inbox. It’s now down to 661. You do the math.
103. Less TV.
Small story: I really wanted to watch a movie on TV last night. But the play that I was writing and submitting wasn’t finished. I chose the play. No TV last night. VICTORY!
105. Limit my drinking
Last two nights: Two beers. That’s limited in my opinion.
3. Weekly Tasks
There are six weekly tasks:
20. Do some form of exercise at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes.
This is tough. I HATE exercise. HATE it, even though intellectually I know that it is a must. I’ve been walking a lot but it’s always to do something. Get the papers, go the shops. This is not really exercise. So I need to work on this.
36. Eat vegetables at least 3 times a week.
Made a salad last night to go with the dinner that was almost ruined. VICTORY!
48. Learn a new word every week in the general throw of things.
Not yet …
62. Indulge in something wicked once and only once a week.
Ferrero Chocolates – that was the easiest thing in the world. I can’t believe I have to wait until next week for something else.
89. Read a screenplay once a week
Not yet …
109. Read at least one short story per week.
I read two yesterday, neither which set me on fire but still …
So that’s not too bad for two days. If only I could figure out how to add about 12 hours to every day, I would be just cruising.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Cross that off
Day two, and I have crossed the first thing off my list! And yep, it feels fantastic.
Look at this:
52. Write a short play.
Okay, well, I will.
And I did, so now you look like this:
52. Write a short play.
Done. It was called A Touch of War but somewhere in the drafting process it became Stupid, and Terrible which I know is asking for a cheap shot from a reviewer but still, if it works it works. Right?
Anyway, it's a 10 minute play with three female characters who are all gathered for the funeral of a soldier killed in war. They are all isolated in the same house and don't speak to each other but rather it is three monologues melded together as they all talk about this man who is never coming home.
And because resting on my laurels is never going to happen this year, I promptly submitted to a festival in Canada.
I think all that deserves a beer.
Oh bed, I love thee
But I soldier on, and am very, very close to crossing the first thing off my list.
Just for clarity's sake, that woman is not me. Her hair is way too blonde to be me.
Friday, January 1, 2010
What now?
So, I've declared it to the world that I'm going on this adventure. Now what?
Can I go out and get drunk to celebrate that I've made this wondrous decision. Unfortunately , no. That would be in violation of Number 105 (Limit the drinking) and karma will do nasty things like make all my hair fall out – karma does that kind of stuff doesn't it?
Anyway, to keep my hair, now is the time to start planning, and to get started on some of the list.
On the planning side, I need to go through all the submission opportunities for the next few months and see what I need to get done and when. This will (hopefully) create some sort of structure to the monolith that is the List.
But to maximise on the momentum that I am feeling right now, today I'm tackling number 52 with the writing of a short play called A Touch of War. All things going well, and even if they don't, I'll be submitting it tomorrow.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be going into detail about the items on the list. I'll also be doing weekly reviews and sometimes daily reviews of how it is all going and the general struggles and triumphs. But until we next meet …
Happy writing, happy living, happy 2010.
A little about me
A short biography, because I know that you want to know what you are dealing with.
I'm 32 years old, I live in Melbourne, Australia. I have a boyfriend and a house that is falling down around me. I'm a genius at procrastination. I tend to waste a lot of hours not doing much. I'm as stubborn as a really stubborn mule. I'm a half-decent writer. I want to be a great writer. I've had things produced, I've had things published. It's not enough. I have a tendency to be incredibly sarcastic. This is one of the few things I have no desire to change. Another thing I won't be changing is that I'm a completely unrepentant flirt and have a tendency to get myself into an awful amount of trouble because of my mouth. Well … a girl has got to have some fun.
What else?
I like …
Using a lot of paragraphs
To say simple things.
One last thing: I own thousands of books and I take pride in the face that there is always something good to read in my house.
I hope this gives you somewhat of an idea of what you are dealing with here. If not, hang around (please) and hopefully we'll get to know each other better.
Nervous Wreck
Only time will tell.
Just for clarity's sake, that's not a picture of me. I wish my hair looked that good.
Next post will be all about me, because I know you are all DYING to know.
The 210 List
- Read/Watch a play a day
- Read 100 novels
- Visit an art gallery once a month
- Make a new friend
- Write for at least an hour a day
- 210 submissions
- Write a screenplay
- Finish everything I start
- Do a course in something I know nothing about
- Be a better girlfriend
- Finish a full-length play
- Finish a full-length play
- Finish a full-length play
- Write a full-length play
- Write a full-length play
- Write a full-length play
- Complete a marketing task every day
- Build my website
- Blog every day
- Do some form of exercise at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes
- Write a screenplay
- Write a short screenplay
- Take a holiday
- Lose a dress size
- Write a short story
- Write a short story
- Write a short story
- Write a short story
- Write a short story
- Plot a novel
- Publish a play
- Take a photo every day
- Do my taxes
- Quit smoking
- Begin the life project
- Eat vegetables at least 3 times a week
- Write a full-length youth play
- Write a full-length youth play
- Write a short youth play
- Write a short youth play
- Write a short youth play
- Final draft of my TV pilot
- Get rid of the junk
- See a play somewhere other than where I live
- Find something to laugh at every day
- Count to 10 before I lose my temper
- Save every penny I earn from writing and use it to buy time to make more writing
- Learn a new word every week in the general throw of things
- Keep a plant alive for at least 6 months
- Get rid of all the clothes I never wear/will never wear again in my whole life
- Find a place for everything
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Write a short play
- Indulge in something wicked once and only once a week
- Bone up on my theatre history
- Use my lunch hours for something other than wandering around aimlessly
- Stop impulse purchasing
- Take 5 minutes a day just to sit in silence and do nothing
- Tell myself something nice about myself once a day
- Dance
- Apply for a writers residence
- Apply for a writers residence
- Apply for a writers residence
- Apply for a writers residence
- Apply for a writers residence
- Apply for a writers residence
- Apply for a grant
- Apply for a grant
- Apply for a grant
- Apply for a grant
- Apply for a grant
- Find a new day job
- Have a play produced in my country
- Have a play produced in a country I haven't had a play produced in
- Brainstorm/outline an adaptation of a classic
- Write a children's play
- Write a radio play
- Become more involved in my local theatre scene
- Return emails in a timely fashion
- Treat every project as if there is someone waiting for it, wanting it, expecting it
- Read a screenplay at least once a week
- Learn how to write a treatment
- Write a monologue
- Write a monologue
- Write a monologue
- Write a monologue
- Write a monologue
- Do something wonderful and indulgent and lovely for my birthday
- Celebrate all successes, no matter how small
- Stop biting my nails
- Volunteer for something
100. Brainstorm/outline a TV mini-series
101. Write down everything I do every day
102. Keep emails under control
103. Less TV
104. Listen to more music
105. Limit my drinking
106. Treat my computer kindly
107. Read more non-fiction.
108. Cleanliness is not next to Godliness
109. Read at least one short story every week
110. Turn my writing room into a WRITING ROOM
111. Write a one-act play
I’ve started this blog to track this year in which I hope to change my life. Well, actually, I want to set fire to my life and see what I can make out of the ashes. Perhaps that is a little harsh but I’m planning on having a big year and I hope to accomplish many things with the end result being me creating the foundations of the life that I want to have.
You see, I’m a writer. I’ve always been a writer. A writer is who I am. Unfortunately, I don’t get to write all the time. In fact, I don’t get to write as much as I want to, or even need to, in order to become a writer all the time, every day, every last minute. Which is what I want. If I can see the end goal, it’s to be a full-time writer. I’m sure that there is something more catchier way to phrase this goal but that will do for the time being.
All things being equal however, being a full-time writer is not going to happen in a year. But maybe, just maybe, if I work my little butt off, I can be a part-time writer in a year. That’s the goal. To stop the day job being a full-time soul sucking exercise and turn it into a part-time necessity.
To do this, I’ve written a list. I’ve named it the 210 List. It’s what this blog is all about. Completing the 210 List. I’m thinking, wishing upon a star, praying to a number of gods, that if I put in the work, that karma will shine its light upon me.
A lot of the list is writing related because I want to put it first. Number one priority, every day. I probably don’t have to tell anyone but life is brutal in its demands. Life will fill itself up with the small stuff faster than you can say “Wait a minute! I was going to be something special!” However, changing your life can’t be just about work, work, work. All work and no play and all that jazz. I also want to be a better person. I want to be healthier, I want to participate more in life, I want to live every minute and minimise the regrets. So, there’s stuff on the 210 List to help me do that.
The list, which will be posted after this initial post, is about as ambitious as it gets. And, at the moment it is only at 110. What the hell?, I hear you all say. Okay, maybe your not but I like to imagine my audience and that’s what you are all doing. Now, you are looking all pissed and peeved and feeling like you got all ripped off. You’re about to go back to Facebook and update your status again. You: Pissed. But bear with me. There will be 210 things. It wasn’t as if someone already stole that blog name and I had to suddenly get all creative and come up with something different. This year is all about progression, about moving forward and creating change. When the change comes, and believe me I am laying out the red carpet and ordering in change’s favourite foods so it better show up, but if I wrote all the things that I wanted to achieve this year without leaving a bit of room (or a lot of room)it will be impossible to embrace whatever is about to come my way.
Simply, I want to look back on 31 December next year and see the progression from the person I am now to becoming the person I want to be. Progression. That is what we are looking for.
I’ve started this blog for accountability. It’s all well and good to say that this is the year that things are going to change, it’s much more difficult to actually change. Change is god-awful, gut-wrenchingly hard. Best to be honest about these things, isn’t it? But when the life that you want to have only exists in your daydreams, you’ve got to do something. Drastic.
I read over the list and take in the enormity of the tasks I have set myself and I feel both excited and exhausted. Which actually, when combined, produces nausea. But, as I once heard one successful person say “No one ever died from being tired”. So I’m going to be the exhaustion to one side and focus on the excited. This is going to be a great adventure and I hope you all come along for the journey. Feel free to post comments and let me know how you are changing your life, or just to give me a cyber pat on the back.